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angular harpの例文


  • Around 1900 B . C . arched harps in the Iraq-Iran region were replaced by angular harps with vertical or horizontal sound boxes.
  • By the start of the Common Era, " robust, vertical, angular harps ", which had become predominant in the Hellenistic world, were cherished in the Sasanian court.
  • "' Tomoko Sugawara "'is a harpist from Tokyo, Japan who grew up playing classical and Irish harp before learning to play the kugo or angular harp.
  • For example, she is responsible for the reconstruction and reintroduction of the kugo, an ancient Asian angular harp whose origins can be traced back more than three millennia and which had been unused for over 1200 years.
  • In the last century of the Sasanian period, angular harps were redesigned to make them as light as possible ( " light, vertical, angular harps " ); while they became more elegant, they lost their structural rigidity.
  • In the last century of the Sasanian period, angular harps were redesigned to make them as light as possible ( " light, vertical, angular harps " ); while they became more elegant, they lost their structural rigidity.